Street Lights


To report a Street Light outage please report it to the Building and Institution Committee at or TEXT: 319-364-6303.  


More detailed information is provided below.


The HWTN streetlight effort Phase 1 starting Oct 2021 has identified 92 outages, with 86 (93%) being fixed as of Nov 10, 2022. Progress made is thanks to collaboration between the City Of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Water Works, Milwaukee County & HWTN trustees/members. Progress has occurred despite significant funding and staffing constraints on Milwaukee’s citywide street lighting infrastructure and maintenance efforts (see jsonline reporting). The HWTN “light level” can only be maintained via a Phase 2 – the timely and accurate reporting of outages by all HWTN members and residents. To this end, a flow chart and 3 streetlight reporting guidelines have been developed to help communicate where and how to report outages in a quick, clear, consistent and trackable manner. As of 01-NOV-2022, all HWTN members/residents are requested to directly report found outages on their own as described below.

HWTN streetlights are divided into primarily 2 groups described below with associated reporting methods.

Group A: Streetlights on BOTH SIDES of streets within and bordering HWTN – except for those streetlights along both sides of Lincoln Memorial Drive or actually within the confines of Lake Park.

Streetlight outages in Group A are to be reported directly by residents to the City Of Milwaukee, either online via  MKE Mobile Action app (see links to guidelines below).

Group B: Streetlights along both sides of Lincoln Memorial Drive or within the confines of Lake Park.

Streetlight outages in Group B are to be reported directly by residents to Milwaukee County via (see links to guidelines below).

Note: There are additionally some “pole lights” (about 14) between and behind some commercial or multi-unit residential buildings that are “off street”. These pole lights are maintained by WE Energies and can be found at Although WE-Energies calls them “streetlights”, they’re different than the hundreds in Groups A & B in that they’re not right on city named streets. Any of these WE Energies maintained “off-street” pole outages can be reported directly via

Sources for this write-up and the guides include the 4 websites referenced above and communications with employees of the City Of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Water Works, Milwaukee County, WE-Energies and other HWTN trustees/members.

Join the Historic Water Tower Neighborhood Association

Our Membership is for 1 year and renews on your anniversary. 

HWTN is one of the city’s oldest existing neighborhood organizations and includes the largest group of historic homes in Wisconsin. We work to support historic preservation and neighborhood improvement in our area. . Our neighborhood has been rated as one of the most walkable in Milwaukee.